MoonwithMalik Piara

30 Days of UI

30 days of deliberate practice can help us become substantially better at any skill. We don't have to wait around hoping for someone to pick us or our work. We can pick ourselves. Show up. Do the work. Every day.

The 30 Day UI Challenge is an excuse to learn and improve our design craft and the muscle of consistency. Every day, you’ll get a different prompt in your inbox. This is an opportunity to build the muscle of consistency and deliberate practice. And to do so with a community of people who are here to support you.

I issued this challenge to students at CODE University and now we’re opening it to the public. Anyone can join and participate remotely and asynchronously.


The challenge started on May 24th and will end on June 24th. If you didn't join on day one, that's okay. You can still join us.

On weekends, there will be prompts too but it’s up to you to decide whether you want to take them or not.

You can share your work on Instagram, Twitter and Dribbble with the hashtag #30DaysOfUI so we can find your work and support it.

Join our community on Telegram

Jazel, Anja and Vitor are showing up every day and sharing their work, alongside others from all over the world. You can join us too.

Follow this link to join our Telegram group:

Design Prompts

Day 1: Design a Sign-up Page
Day 2: Design a 404 Error Page
Day 3: Design an Audio Player Interface
Day 4: Design a Landing Page for a product
Day 5: Design a Profile page
Day 6: Design a Contact Us page
Day 7: Redesign your favorite website's homepage

This post was updated on May 30th. Come back tomorrow for the next challenge.



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